Public data

A big thank-you to the members that generously contribute public data to Quantified Flu! 💖

Please give back! Public data helps others develop analyses and data visualizations. Please consider sharing those in turn; we would love to share what you learned (and potential improvements to visualizations!) with members of Quantified Flu.

Respect privacy & follow our guidelines. This data is shared with random identifiers, and we expect you to follow Open Humans guidelines for public data use.

Retrospective analyses

Retrospective analyses are analyse of wearable data (e.g. heartrate, temperature) relative to a past sickness event reported by an individual.

See public retrospective analyses

Symptom tracking logs

Symptom racking logs record ongoing self-tracking via survey of the symptoms an individual experiences, including "no symptom" reports as well as symptoms of illness.

See public symptom tracking logs

How-to access & download the data

We have data available for anyone that might want to try creating and sharing visualizations! If you create visualization code, we'd love to share with others – we have a system for sharing notebooks for Python & R. And JS visualizations could be added to the site itself!

There are two basic types of data:

  1. data around retrospective events
  2. data around ongoing symptom reports

Both of these are available in JSON and CSV formats.

List of all available data

JSON is available for that provides the paths for all public data:

  1. retrospective events:
  2. symptom reports:

The same public data is visible (& human readable) through the buttons on top of this page. Once you click through to any of the retrospective or symptom reports you can add .json or .csv to the URL to get associated data.


Retrospective events

These are provided according to event ID, e.g. for event 1:

Example of data from ongoing symptom report

These are provided according to an individuals random identifier, e.g. for participant 20383123:

Downloading data files to your local directory

Hopefully the above information is enough to see how to get files manually, but we appreciate you might want something easier for a bulk download. If you have a unix-like command line, you might try the following:

Retrospective data:

wget -O - | sed 's/,/,\n/g' | egrep -o "/retrospective/event/[0-9]+.csv" | while read i; do wget$i; done;

Ongoing symptom tracking data:

wget -O - | sed 's/,/,\n/g' | egrep -o "/report/list/member/[0-9]+.csv" | while read i; do wget$i; done;